Friday, December 5, 2008

Bothersome Boss

Dear Pop Shrink
My boss is a pain in the you-know-what. When he gives me assignments he doesn't clearly explain what he wants so he watches me every step of the way and then ends of doing most it himself anyway. How can I ever feel I'm good at what I'm doing if he never gives me the proper direction in the first place?

Some people were meant to lead, others were put here on this earth to torture us. I know, that doesn't sound very helpful, but the truth is there are bosses out there who are so awful that, not only should they not be in charge, they shouldn't be in public. The best way to handle bosses or any one who is severely lacking in communication skills is to set up ways to get them to clarify. As much as possible, get that person to write down, explain or even show examples of how they want something done so that you have a clear idea of what success looks like, sounds like and feels like to them. If that doesn't work, you can always do what I used to do to my perfectionist dad when he gave me chores. Do the required job just badly enough so that it looks like you are trying hard, but he will just end up doing it himself (and you can go watch TV/play on the computer while he does it)

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